Initiating My Room Sessions using the Desktop App
What you need to know
My Room is a collaboration tool used to perform Group Chat, initiate a Conference Call using a Conference Bridge, or to perform Desktop Sharing with multiple people. You can enter another Contact's Room as a Guest, or invite Contacts to join your Room.
This article provides details on the functions related to the UC-One Desktop:
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A. Initiating a My Room Session
To Join My Room From your UC-One Desktop from the Dashboard;
- Click on the My Room Icon. The My Room session is automatically started.
You can add a colleague to join your My Room Session, either by sending a chat to join your Room, or drag-and-drop available Contacts into your room. Participants must accept your request to be added to your Room.
To request colleagues to join your My Room Session:
- Select the Contacts icon.
- Inviting Guest participants without an account.
You can invite outside Guest into your My Room session. Guest can join a My Room session via invitation that provides the Guest with a Conference ID and Pin.
To invite a Guest to a My Room session, from your My Room:
- Click on Copy My Room invitation link.
- Paste copied invitation to a chat or email
Click on Email My Room Invitation, an email will be initiated.
- Once Guests receives the message, they can click on the link to join in your My Room.
Please note: Guests outside the company do not have private chat capabilities, however; they can see the chat history of the active My Room session.
B. Calling into your My Room Session via Voice Call
To initiate a Voice Call with My Room Participants,
- Click the Call Button, or the Call from Phone Button.
- A call will be initiated into your Conference Bridge.
- Your Conference ID and Moderator Pin will automatically be entered. Your call will be connected.
Calling into My Room via Video Call.
To initiate a Video Call with My Room Participants.
- Select the Video Call Icon.
- A Video Call all will be initiated into your Conference Bridge.
- Your Conference ID and Moderator Pin will automatically be entered. Your call will be connected.
C. Sharing Desktop in a My Room Session
While in a My Room Session;
- Click the Share Desktop Button.
- Choose which Application you would like to share.
- Click Start Sharing to begin Sharing your screen.
Please note: Once in Sharing mode you can choose to Pause, Stop, or Select another application to share or preview.
D. Joining a Colleague’s My Room Session
You can join a colleague’s My Room Session if you are a Contact or if you are invited as Guest Participant without an account.
To join a Contact’s My Room session;
- Select the Contact whose My Room you want to join.
- Right click on the Contact and select Join Room, you will be placed into the Contacts Room.
Joining a User’s My Room Session as a Guest Participant without an account
- Open the link with your Google Chrome browser.
- Enter your Name and Last Name.
- Click Join Room, the Room owner will have to accept your request to enter their My Room Session
Please note: As a guest you do not have private chat capabilities, however you can see chat and view the chat of the active My Room session.
E. Utilizing Moderator Controls in a My Room Session
While on an audio or video conference in your My Room, you can see a list of all participants and you also have access to moderator controls.
As the My Room Moderator, you will have the ability to:
- Lock Audio Conference
- Hide Participants
- Dismiss All Participants
- Mute All Participants
- Unmute all Participants
While on an active Call in the My Room Session, under Participants;
- Right Click on your name to select an option for the entire session.
- In the dropdown, you will be able to make the desired selections.
- To mute or dismiss a specific participant, right click on their name in the participants window and make the desired selection.