Barge In

Barge in

Barge-in is a user feature that allows users to drop in on an ongoing call, essentially creating a three-way call among all parties. When the barge-in feature is enabled, users can use a Feature Access Code (FAC) to barge in on a call. Dial *33. You will then hear a stutter dial-tone. The stutter dial-tone is letting you know the system recognizes the access code and is ready for you to enter the number to which you want to barge in. When connected, barge in creates a three-way call among all parties.

This guide will review steps for how an administrator can set up the barge-in feature for users using the admin portal.

Setting up barge in for users

  1. Log in to the admin portal.
  2. Select the Users tab in the left-hand navigation.
  3. Find the user you would like to configure and select the Actions drop-down menu.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. In the Edit User window, select Barge In under Advanced in the left-hand navigation menu.
  6. To enable, check the checkbox next to Allow users to barge in.
  7. To play a tone to the users when others barge-in, check the checkbox next to Allow with barge-in warning tone.
  8. Note: It is important to understand that both options – Allow users to barge in and Allow with barge-in warning tone – apply to the device you are enabling it on. That is, after enabling both settings, a user would be able to barge in on to calls to your device, and any barge-in attempts from your device to any other users would play a warning tone after the successful barge-in attempt. If the other user does not have Allow barge-In enabled, the call will not be connected.

  9. Select Save to save your changes.