My Apps (Downloading)

My apps (downloading)

By adding the UC-One clients to your daily business communications devices you can leverage a convenient, common and intuitive interface for cloud and mobile calling and collaboration services.

  • Use your PC instead of a desk phone to make calls and use IM and My Room features.
  • Calls from your mobile phone look just like a call made from your business desk phone.
  • Receive calls on your mobile phone as if it was your desk phone.
  • Your tablet receives calls or IM messages just like your PC.
  • One-button business voicemail access.
  • Access your business enterprise directory from your mobile phone.

This feature can be configured from the User Portal found at the following URL:

How do I download the desktop client?

To download the UC-One desktop client, log in to the User Portal.

  1. Click the My Apps menu option.
  2. Click the Desktop Download button.
  3. Once complete, The setup wizard pop-up appears.


  1. Click Run or Save and follow the instructions.
  2. Launch the UC-One Desktop client.


  1. Double-click the disk image.
  2. Copy the application to the Applications folder.
  3. Launch the UC-One Desktop client.