Push To Talk

Push to talk

The Push to Talk feature allows users treat their desk phones as either a one-way or two-way intercom. Site administrators can configure the following Push to Talk settings for users within the admin portal.

Define approved and blocked users lists - Set the list of assigned users to represent either an approved or a blocked list for the user being configured. For example, you can create an approved list for Jim, in the warehouse, for all customer services reps to allow them to push to talk to Jim regarding inventory, delivery schedules, etc., and create a blocked list for Jim of all the sales reps so they do not constantly check on order status’ and special requests that can interrupt Jim during his busy day.

Define one-way or two-way settings for users - One-way only allows the configured user to place Push to Talk calls to other users. Two-way enables the communication between the users in both directions.

Note: Users dial *50 and the extension to place Push to Talk calls. Push to Talk must be configured for both parties. For example, Bob wants to Push to Talk with Ann. Ann must have Bob listed on her Push to Talk feature and Bob must have Ann listed on his.

Setting up push to talk for users

  1. Log in to the admin portal and select your site.
  2. Go to the Users page in the left-hand navigation.
  3. Select the Actions drop-down menu and then Edit next to the user to assign Push to Talk. The Edit User page will appear.
  4. Next, select Push To Talk under Advanced in the left-hand navigation.
  5. Select the toggle next to Push To Talk to enable Auto-Answer for Push to Talk (*50) calls via speakerphone. When enabled and the user receives a Push-to-Talk call, their phone automatically answers the call in speakerphone mode.
  6. Next, select the Connection Type. Options include: One-Way or Two-Way.
    • One-Way – Means one-way communication between the user and other users in the site.
    • Two-Way – Means two-way communication between the user and other users in the site.
  7. Select the Type of Access for Users. Options are:
    • Approved Users are allowed to make Push To Talk calls to me.
    • Blocked Users are blocked from making Push To Talk calls to me.
  8. Select users from the Find and assign search bar.
  9. Select Save to save your changes.