Retrieving voicemail messages from shared mailboxes
In some instances, individuals or groups within your company may share a voicemail box. An example would be a voicemail assigned to the main company telephone number, Auto Attendant or Hunt Group.
General voicemail boxes
In some instances, individuals or groups within your company may share a voicemail box. An example would be a voicemail assigned to the main company telephone number, Auto Attendant or Hunt Group. There are various ways a shared voicemail box can be used. Here are some examples:
Example A: In this example, there is one companywide voicemail box accessed when a caller calls the main number, reaches the Auto Attendant and Presses 5 to leave a message OR if either group (Sales or IT) does not answer.

Example B: In this example, the voicemail box assigned to the Auto Attendant is being utilized to leave a message playback for directions to the office.

The following topics will help you with common voicemail related questions.
How can I retrieve voicemail from a shared voicemail box?
- Dial the voicemail portal number or press the voicemail key on your IP Phone. Depending on your setup you may need to enter your voicemail extension. If you are not sure of your voicemail extension, ask your Administrator.
- Enter your voicemail passcode.
- Follow the prompts to listen to the voicemail messages.