Get started with voicemail
Finding Your Voicemail PIN and First-Time Voicemail Access.
Voicemail PIN
Your voicemail PIN is what you will use to access your voicemail mailbox. In order to access your mailbox, you will need to know your initial, temporary voicemail PIN. As a user, you may receive your voicemail PIN one of the following ways:
- One, through an automated email that includes the default voicemail PIN and voicemail access phone number.
- Two, if you have not received this email, or if you cannot find the email, you can contact your company administrator for your voicemail PIN and voicemail access phone number.
Accessing your voicemail from the user portal
As a user, you have access to your own user portal where you can view and modify calling settings and features, as necessary. The user portal is also where you can also set up and modify your voicemail settings. For a helpful guide outlining these steps, read here.
Accessing your voicemail from devices
Use any of these methods to access your voicemail:
From your own Business Digital Voice phone:
- Dial your voice portal access phone number (10 digits) or extension or press the mail button on your deskphone.
- When prompted, enter the default voicemail PIN/password from the email you received.
- Follow prompts to change the default/temporary voicemail PIN/password.
From another Business Digital Voice phone within your organization:
- Dial your voice portal access phone number (10 digits) or extension or press the mail button on the deskphone.
- Immediately press the star (*) key.
- Enter your Business Digital Voice phone number (10 digits) or extension (your extension is your mailbox ID).
- When prompted, enter the default voicemail PIN/password from the email you received.
- Follow prompts to change the default/temporary voicemail PIN/password.
From another phone outside of your office (cell phone or landline):
- Dial your voice portal access phone number (10 digits).
- Once you reach the voicemail greeting, press the star (*) key.
- Enter your Business Digital Voice phone number (10 digits) or extension (your extension is your mailbox ID).
- When prompted, enter the default voicemail PIN/password from the email you received.
- Follow prompts to change the default/temporary voicemail PIN/password.